Category Archives: Newsletter
Our latest newsletter contains information on upcoming junior and senior club championships plus info on winter interclub. Click here to read more.
Show Weekend Tournament A huge thanks to all the members who supported this event whether on the bar, making coffees, helping at the working bee and in the kitchen, organising the games or playing. It does take a big effort from many members to ensure this tournament runs smoothly. Thank you to to all of […]
Congratulations to the following 11 junior players from Cashmere who did so well in the Tier 3 Canterbury Junior and Senior Spring Open. Frank, Cameron, Matthew, Liam,Yihan, Elly, Mia, Charlie ,Harley and Nike. We are proud of you all. Frank McHarg also won the U12 division singles and doubles.
September Newsletter Dear Members Best wishes for a great season for all our interclub teams senior and junior. Thanks Noelene
Cashmere Tennis Club Inc To be held in the Club’s Pavilion, Valley Road, Cashmere On Saturday 3 August 2024 at 4.30 pm. Business: 1. Confirmation of minutes of previous Annual General Meeting 2. Consideration and adoption of Annual Report and Balance Sheet 3. Election of Officers and Committee 4. Fixing […]
Dear Members, What a year it has been, so much achieved in court development and in general around our club. I look across at our facilities now with such pride. Developments: 2023/24 Achievements In the future, the club may also look at putting astro onto courts 3 and 4. Currently it is a low […]