Category Archives: Newsletter

        Notice of 100th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

Cashmere Tennis Club Inc         To be held in the Club’s Pavilion, Valley Road, Cashmere                      On Saturday 3 August  2024 at 4.30 pm. Business: 1. Confirmation of minutes of previous Annual General Meeting           2. Consideration and adoption of Annual Report and Balance Sheet                       3. Election of Officers and Committee                       4. Fixing […]

President’s Report – July  2024                                            

Dear Members,   What a year it has been, so much achieved in court development and in general around our club. I look across at our facilities now with such pride.  Developments:   2023/24 Achievements In the future, the club may also look at putting astro onto courts 3 and 4. Currently it is a low […]

News 27 March 2024

Thank you to all the Seniors and Juniors who represented Cashmere thisyear at Interclub. I hope we see you all back in the summer. Well done. Senior Club Championships 11am start for each daySaturdays6 April Singles13 April Ladies’ Doubles (Note this year Stu is running doubles on separate days)20 April Men’s Doubles27 April Mixed DoublesEntry […]