Newsletter 18/7

Newsletter 18/7

Cashmere Tennis Club Updates

July 15

Dear Members

Key Dates Ahead :

Sunday 25 July            Olympics Funday – cancelled

Monday 9 August        7pm Meeting clubrooms – to establish a new Junior Committee,

Saturday 7 August      AGM in the clubrooms 4pm

Sunday 15 August       Free use of Wilding Park Indoor courts  

                                      Juniors 8.30-10.30 am, Seniors 10.30- 12.30

                                      Balls provided, organised games


To be held in the Club’s Pavilion, Valley Road, Cashmere

On Saturday 7 August  2021 at 4pm.

Business:  1. Confirmation of minutes of previous Annual General Meeting

                       2. Consideration and adoption of Annual Report and Balance Sheet

                      3. Election of Officers and Committee

                      4. Fixing of membership subscriptions ( no change )

Senior Member         $375Hot shots                   $230
Snr Interclub Fee     $50Jnr Interclub              $260
2 adults (couple)      $712Family with  2+ juniors  5% discount
Student                    $230
Honorary                  $5
Mid Week                  $275

Resignations must be received by the Secretary P.O Box 33-106 Barrington no later than 

31 October 2021 to avoid liability for the subscription of the ensuring season.

                        5. General Business

Notice of Motion :

Currently in our RULES a mid week membership is as such :

MIDWEEK – 19 years and over as at 31 December 

                      Restricted play    Monday – Friday until 5pm

Proposed change :

Mid-week players be entitled to play Monday-Friday up until 5pm, and Wednesday twilight social tennis during daylight saving periods.

Any member wishing to give notice of any motion for consideration at any Annual                                               General Meeting shall forward written notice of the same to the secretary not less than 14    

days before the date of the meeting. The Committee may consider all such notices of                            motion and provide recommendations to Members in respect thereof.

Noelene Hodder         President


Currently our club does not have a working junior committee. Coming into the new summer season it is crucial that a new committee is established to meet the needs of our 200 juniors and their families. These juniors deserve to have a committee to work alongside James and nourish junior tennis at our club and liaise with the senior members. Therefore I am calling a meeting of interested parents / members keen to set up a new sub committee.

Meeting – Monday 9 August 7pm in the clubrooms. Please give your support as it is not a huge commitment of time and we need you and your new ideas.

Lease Updates

Thank you to all the members of the club and the community who took time to participate in the online survey. Result – 87 in support and 4 opposing our lease renewal. Our case is now to be heard at a community board meeting hopefully in August. Scott and Jeremy will present our case on behalf of the committee and members. Thank you too, to the members prepared to speak on behalf of the club.

Health and Safety

We do have some concerns at this time of the year re the wet / frosty conditions on the courts particularly in the areas sheltered by the Bowling Club. On Saturday the board person may choose not to allocate these courts if they are concerned. Members then who choose to play on the closed courts do so at their own risk !!  Bill is looking into trialling a system for drying      these areas.


You may have noticed a number of cups on the corner table in the dining room in the clubrooms. During our working bee to sort through all our paperwork / memorabilia we decided that these cups are no longer working cups in our club and can be returned to last named person on the cup if they would like to keep it. If you know any of these people you can please pass these cups on. Thanks to a dedicated little crew for their hard work in paperthrowing !  – Ewan, Nicki, John Larson, Kay Mc, Ron Bruce and Lionel. A job well done.


Further information re the AGM will be sent to members as soon as our financial report is available.


I am surprised that we have members who do not use our waste bins correctly. Just because rubbish is green it does not go in the green bin !!!  Coffee cups please in the rubbish. We are not recycling balls / canisters. Des is doing his best to ensure our bins are compliant but is concerned that shortly our bins will not be picked up if we do not do better. Come on guys !!

Heat Pump

Members can you please ensure that the heat pump is turned off when you depart the clubrooms.                                                                                                                                                               

Text Box: This is a special piece of club memorabilia ( for years stored in the shed ).
Shortly John is going to hang it in the clubrooms. Thanks to Des for his restoration work.


On Saturday July 23 at afternoon tea time Sarah Marr will give members a guide to using the defibrillator.

Think that is all for now !
